
Can you believe it is December? I always say that, six months seems to always fly by in what seems like a blink. I feel like we did a good job of following our plan and I'm eager to spend the next few weeks working on our next six month plan.

FINANCIALLY - We did AWESOME! I feel like we reigned our spending in and have developed a good routine for adding to our savings account with every pay check. Even though I've returned to being a Stay-At-Home-Wife, we are still making it work.

PERSONAL GROWTH - Both my husband, and I worked on growing ourselves this year. I continued with my re-learning Spanish and have begun to lay some framework for other personal growth areas.

SOCIALIZATION - My husband did much better in this area than I did! He started having a weekly guy's night and doing some other activities. We have made some new friends but it does take time, especially for me. We even had a small party at our house, which with my OCD, is huge.

HEALTH - I've started eating a lot less meat, we have a vegetarian meal together ever night. I've lost some more weight and I attribute that to being a little more active and portion control. On the other hand, my knee procedure that I had earlier this year didn't take and they reattempted it in November. If it doesn't take this time another more invasive procedure may need to occur next year, so far, the results seem promising.

HOUSE/HOME - We found a house! We found a place a few months ago and move in just a few short weeks. This is such a big deal to us, we are very excited to be out of an apartment and are so excited for the new things ahead. 2018 has been great, 2019 will be so much better!

There you have it! All wrapped up! Now to plan for the next six months!

-[A special thank you to my brother-in-law Keaton for taking this photo of us at Charlie's grandma's house, low quality photo, high quality life.]-

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