
I've started writing about five different drafts of the same honesty hour and each time the words come out too heavy or too deep and it's a mess and really the pain is still too raw right now to blog about. I honestly don't know if it is something that I will ever share online because of how deeply it hurts me, but I guess I just wanted to write something.

I took half of January and all of February off from my blog, not intentionally but mostly because I really disconnected from my phone/internet in California and then I was resting for a week in Utah before I had a trip to visit family in Mississippi.

They say you can never go home, I think I agree with that now. But where I went wasn't really home to me anyways. Mississippi never felt like my home. Anyways, hopefully I can get back into writing here, but I really have some soul searching and healing to do.

I thought this year was going to be a year of growth but it might be a year of healing too.

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