
I always try to purchase things that will last for several years, I'm not into just "ditching" things after one use but there are FIVE things that I never bring from place to place when I move.

# - THE BROOM/DUST PAN - I always purchase a super cheap broom and even cheaper dust pan from Walmart every time I move. THIS is the broom I always buy and a cheap Walmart brand dust pan is cheaper than buying the combo. 

I feel like I get the life out of a broom when I use it for a year - fifteen months, plus I feel like it has soaked up germs and dust and I'm using it up until the last minute that I'm in the apartment before the final inspection. 

#2 - THE MOP - On the same sentiment, I buy a cheap mop and use it and then throw it in the dumpster on my way out of the apartment complex on the final moments before the inspection. 

#3 - ANY BROKEN FURNITURE - This might be a no-brainer for some, but I love to re-purpose furniture. I love finding it and giving it a new life, but anything that isn't fixed by moving day, I don't bother with it until I'm just really in love with it. 

#4 - HALF USED ANYTHING - I'm big on ditching anything cheap that is half used and might be messy to move. I try to use up everything in my fridge the last month that I'm in a place but I'm talking about half used hand soaps, half used special spicy mayo for that one dish I only make occasionally. I try to keep everything that I can, but some things aren't worth the effort to keep. 

#5 - ANYTHING I HAVEN'T USED SINCE I MOVED IN - If I find something while I'm packing up that I haven't even seen since the last time I moved, I just donate it, or throw it away! There is no point in moving it again, just to not see it for twelve - fifteen more months.

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