A few years ago I stopped making new years resolutions and decided to focus on one specific word or "mantra" for the year. Last year was the year of self care and I spent the year learning how to take the time to care for myself and love myself and really put myself first. I can honestly say that for the first time in my entire life the relationship that I have with myself and with my body image is the healthiest that it has ever been.
This year, I wanted more. I want to go beyond that. I'm at a place in my life where my husband is making these changes to better himself and I feel somewhat stagnant, so to keep from feeling bad about myself or some type of envy, I'm going to do the same. I'm going to GROW. This year I'm going to challenge myself to learn some new things, to try some new things, and to explore who I am as a person some more. I don't ever want to feel "stuck", so I'm going to spend time growing and changing this year. I'm so excited for it.
I don't have any concrete ideas for what exactly I want to do except I know I'm taking another scuba diving course, I want to try to get involved locally some, there is so much I want to do so I'm going to write it all down and then narrow it down so I can really focus on a few areas.
Anyways, Happy New Years Y'all!
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