Honestly self care is such as buzz word right now. Everyone one is talking about it. #selfcare #loveurself. :) If you could see my face, I'm sure you'd know exactly how far back my eyes are rolling. I did make 2018 my year of SELF CARE. But it is so much more than a long bath with a glass of wine. It is that to, just in case you were doubting that bubble bath and wine, girl, you earned it!
SELF CARE to me, is making a conscious choice to take care of yourself every single day. I've adopted a mantra this year, " If it doesn't help me grow, it has to go." That might make me seem selfish and self serving, but if I'm not helping myself grow, who is? Ask yourself that. Who is helping you grow?
I'm not saying stop helping others because I believe in endless kindness and would never suggest that but I called it, 2018 is the year I'm cutting out toxic people, toxic behaviors, toxic actions! I deleted my Facebook. For a 20-something that is crazy. Every day it didn't make me happy, it didn't help me grow, it had to go. THAT IS SELF CARE!
I took that scuba diving class, it helped me grow and learn new skills. THAT IS SELF CARE. I unfollowed some people on Instagram who constantly belittled other people, that is toxic behavior. THAT IS SELF CARE.
I've also taken countless bubble baths and even instituted a wine night. Thursday is my wine night. I do some type of pampering (face mask, paint my nails, do my eyebrows) while I deep condition my hair and watch a cheesy chick flick and occasionally I drink wine and order sushi. I still call it wine night on the nights I forget to buy a bottle of wine. THAT IS SELF CARE!
Everyone needs to make choices that better themselves. Man, woman, trans, you are the only you that you get! Self care is about caring about yourself. If that means that you meditate for five minutes every day before bed to clear your mind, THAT IS SELF CARE. Take care of yourselves.
It is so so so important. So today, do one thing that helps you grow, that nurtures your soul, that boosts your mood, that makes you smile. Do one thing for you.
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