So you think your therapist sucks, aye?
Honestly, If you have to ask yourself, does my therapist work for me? YOUR THERAPIST DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
Your therapist to patient relationship should be like a glove, you put it on and it just fits. Recently my therapist left me. She was the keeper of my secrets and the only person to cry over my dead son and it meant something to me. So losing her, even though I shrugged it off and played it cool, it wrecked me.
It is STILL wrecking me, months later and y'all I wish I had a quick fix for moving on but it was so hard. It is still so hard. Those last few moments, in our final session, I was avoiding it and she knew it, her last words to me,""I'll never forget you.." We walked to the front door and I cried the whole way home and I'm crying right now. She just understood me, she just got me. The first person in my entire life who cried with me, and she left me... Y'all. This is SOOOOO hard to write. I have never had a therapist click with me like her, and she told me to not settle for someone who didn't click like her.
So here is how you know that your therapist SUCKS!
Do they make you question yourself? My first replacement therapist after her made me feel like I was taking a pop quiz that I hadn't studied for. I left the session feeling like I was terrible. I always give it a second chance though and I did, and on the second chance I still feel worthless when I left and I knew that I needed to request to see someone else.
YOU SHOULD FEEL WORTHY EVERY SINGLE SESSION! -- Do not ever settle for a provider that makes you feel worse when you leave then when you come in. I always say that second chance rule (everyone deserves a second chance!) but if they make you feel bad about yourself two sessions in a row with malicious intent, you do NOT need to be there.
YOU SHOULD FEEL HEARD -- Are you voicing your concerns every session and are they answering them? Your therapist is there to help YOU! If they aren't making you feel like they hear you, ask to see someone else!
YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR DIAGNOSIS! -- One of my replacement therapists asked me what was 'wrong with me' BITCH I DON'T KNOW! My first therapist never made there seem like there was something wrong. Yes I know I have OCD, I know I have Anxiety, but do I have depression too? I can't tell you. She made me feel like a person.
No one on this earth has the power to make you feel like you aren't a person. REMEMBER THAT! YOU ARE WORTHY! I'm crying now y'all, maybe my head is fucked up y'all, but every single person reading this is deserving of a happily ever after, you deserve happiness, compassion, and so much love. I LOVE YOU and I may not even know you. Trust me, I'm still fucked up, but I'm full of love and don't stop until you surround yourself with people who love you with love and love and love and love :)
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