
I've been blogging here, on this blogger account for ten years. I've re-branded probably a dozen times and this last time when I closed the door I didn't know if I would ever come back. I've seen blogging be big, and I've watched it's decline. So earlier this year when I made the choice to start blogging here again, under hopefully (one last!) name change, I reverted all my most treasured posts to drafts and deleted the rest. I needed a fresh start, not just because I moved across the country and changed my named, but because I wanted something different for this space. 

This blog is my love story, but not just Charlie and me, but my journey falling in love with life and I didn't know if I would want to monetize or #sponsor that. So for several months I just started writing to write and that really is how I like it. If I'm going to blog here, I just want to blog like no one is reading, where I can be as open and honest as possible. I want to write about things that interest me and that I love, I don't want to spew fake shit. 

What happens when I find a sponsor that aligns with my values? I want to be able to take those opportunities. I'll take them on a case-by-case consideration, I'm not going to sell my soul to make money because this blog is something I'm doing for fun. On the flip side of that coin, I feel like I should probably make my blog presence a little more known to my family.

A lot of times it is just easier to tell myself that there is no one reading these posts except for me, even though I get page views. I have terrible stage fright, so instead of imagining the crowd naked, I just pretend no one is there. Once I get my domain address fixed and my blog gets added to my Instagram bio, I guess I should just say, hello to my entire family (especially you Amy!), 

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